Here are the primary roles of antiscalants:
Chelation: When dissolved in water, antiscalants ionize and produce negatively charged molecular chains. These chains can react with cations like calcium and magnesium in the water, forming soluble chelates or complexes. This increases the solubility of inorganic salts, preventing precipitation and scaling.
Crystal Lattice Distortion: The functional groups of antiscalant molecules can occupy positions on the surface of inorganic salt crystals during their early growth stages. This occupation interferes with the normal growth pattern of the crystals, leading to distorted crystal shapes, thereby slowing down or preventing further crystal growth and deposition.
Electrostatic Repulsion: The charged molecules of antiscalants can adsorb onto microcrystals of inorganic salts, increasing the electrostatic repulsion between particles. This repulsion prevents the particles from coming close together and aggregating, keeping them dispersed and less likely to form solid deposits.
Dispersion: Antiscalants can disperse cations and anions, preventing them from contacting and reacting with each other, thus reducing scale formation. They can also disperse already-formed small scale particles, preventing them from growing larger and adhering to the membrane surface.
Inhibition of Structure Formation: These chemicals can react with structural components in water such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and silicon, preventing them from forming solid structures. This helps reduce the adhesion of organic matter and microorganisms, keeping the membrane surface clean.
Enhancing System Efficiency and Prolonging Membrane Life: Through the aforementioned actions, antiscalants significantly reduce the risk of scaling on the membrane surface, enhancing the water flux and product water quality of the RO system. This reduces the frequency of cleaning and maintenance costs, thereby lowering overall operational expenses.
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