Leather & Fur Processing Industrial Waste Gas Deodorization Treatment Solutions
Leather factory sewage treatment station, sewage treatment facilities, regulating pool and primary chemical sedimentation tank emit serious odor. The original use of board for closed collection of odor and alkali spray washing and deodorization, the effect is not good. In order to make the concentration of exhaust gas from the deodorization system reach the discharge standard stipulated in the Discharge Standard for Malodorous Pollutants.
1. The unorganized waste gas of the tannery sewage treatment pool should be collected centrally, and treated by spray absorption +CleanMaster deodorant.
The washing device adopts high pressure atomization nozzle, which fully atomization the plant deodorant and mix with the air flow, which can efficiently absorb the odor molecules in the air. The adsorbed odor molecules can react with the plant extract to produce tasteless and non-toxic substances, so as to achieve the purpose of odor purification.
2. Leather factory raw material storage workshop odor, using the installation of spray + spraying plant deodorant.
In the leather processing workshop at high concentration odor area, dilute plant deodorant with 200-300 times according to odor concentration and used with the spray device. Fixed-point spraying obviously improves the deodorization efficiency and saves the cost.
The deodorant developed and produced by CleanMaster can well solve the problem of bad odor and odor in the tannery sewage tank and workshop, and can make the exhaust gas discharge to the standard.
Phone : 86 153-6208-2716
Email : brian@san-mei.com
WhatsApp : 86-15362082716
Wechat : 86-15362082716
Address : No.163 Longhu Road, Tiantoujiao Village, Qiaotou Town, Dongguan city, Guangdong Province, 523000, China.
Copy ©right Guangdong Shanmei Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd.