The API Plant Wastewater Decoloring Agent Effectively Removes Colority
Pharmaceutical chemical plants will produce a large amount of organic wastewater during production, which becomes the main source of pollution. In order to protect the natural environment and reduce the degree of environmental pollution, it is necessary to discharge the pharmaceutical and chemical wastewater to the standard.
The main functions of API wastewater decoloring agent include color removal in wastewater, improving water quality and reducing treatment cost.
Color of from from wastewater:
Decoloring agent can effectively remove the chromaticity in wastewater through adsorption, flocculation and oxidation. They, such as activated carbon, clay or adsorption resin, remove impurities and pigments in wastewater through physical adsorption; flocculation can precipitate substances through flocculation to achieve decolorization effect; oxidation destroys colored groups through oxidation reaction to achieve decolorization purpose.
Improve water quality:
Decoloring agent can not only remove the color in the wastewater, but also reduce the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the wastewater, and improve the bioavailability of the wastewater. Combined with other treatment processes such as biological treatment, physical adsorption, etc., the decolorization agent can significantly improve the quality of the effluent, make the wastewater meet the discharge standard, and improve the reuse value of the wastewater.
Reduce processing costs:
The use of decolorization agents can simplify the processing process and reduce the reliance on equipment and energy, thus reducing the processing costs. Traditional sewage treatment methods require a large amount of equipment and energy input, and the decolorization agent has the advantages of convenient use, good treatment effect and low cost, which can effectively remove the color and pollutants in the wastewater without increasing too much equipment and energy input.
Specific application examples:
In the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater in chemical industry. For example, the wastewater produced in the production of antibiotics, synthetic drugs and traditional Chinese medicine production, due to the high organic concentration, complex composition and strong biotoxicity, the use of pharmaceutical wastewater decolorization agent can effectively remove the chromaticity in the wastewater, reduce COD, improve the bioavailability of the wastewater, and finally meet the discharge standards.
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