The main factor of color of printing and dyeing wastewater is dye. Dyes in wastewater can absorb light, reduce the transparency of water, affect the growth of aquatic organisms and microorganisms, is not conducive to the self-purification of water, and is easy to cause environmental pollution, seriously polluted water will affect human health. Therefore, the discharge of printing and dyeing wastewater must be strictly controlled, especially for those dyes that are seriously toxic.
Printing and dyeing wastewater is a kind of industrial wastewater with large amount of water, high chroma, strong alkalinity and complex water quality. The primary task of treating this kind of wastewater is decolorization, but the decolorization effect is not good with conventional aluminum and iron coagulants, especially for hydrophilic reactive dye wastewater.
Printing and dyeing wastewater pretreatment decolorizing agent is an organic molecular complex that integrates various functions such as decolorization, flocculation, separation, etc. The unique cationic group interacts with the anion group of the wastewater coloring substance to become an insoluble salt, with a small amount, decolorization rate, and no color return. The decolorization rate of wastewater is greater than 95%, and the removal rate of COD is between 50% and 70%, achieving double work! The decolorizing agent can also be used for the coagulation treatment of domestic sewage and other industrial wastewater and the treatment of industrial water supply and tap water.
Printing and dyeing wastewater pretreatment decolorizer operation method is also relatively simple: first take 100ML of wastewater for treatment experiment, then add 2.5 ‰ of Bejing Ji wastewater decolorizer in the wastewater, stir 6-8s, and then adjust the PH value to 7-8, and finally add an appropriate amount of PAM anion (1‰ aqueous solution) precipitation to complete the treatment.
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