Plate processing wastewater is wastewater generated in the process of making printing plates (such as PS plates, CTP plates, etc.) in the printing industry. These wastewaters contain a variety of chemical substances, such as residues of developer, fixer, cleaning agent, etc. Because these wastewaters may contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment, they need to be properly treated before discharge to reduce environmental pollution. In order to treat this wastewater, reduce its color and meet the discharge standards, a variety of treatment technologies and methods can be adopted. Decolorizer is a chemical used to remove the color of wastewater, and they can achieve the purpose of decolorization through different mechanisms.
Common treatment methods for plate processing wastewater are mainly divided into the following categories:
1. Physical method: remove suspended matter in wastewater by precipitation, filtration, etc.
2. Chemical method: use chemical reactions to treat wastewater, such as neutralization, coagulation, oxidation-reduction, etc. to treat pollutants in water.
3. Biological method: applicable to certain organic pollutants, degrading pollutants through the action of microorganisms.
4. Membrane technology: use membrane technologies such as reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration to purify water quality.
Usually in the actual treatment process, a combination of physical, chemical and other processes is generally used to treat wastewater. Beijingshi sewage decolorizer uses chemical agents to react with dyes in wastewater, coagulate and precipitate, thereby removing color. After adding Beijingshi decolorizer, you only need to simply adjust the pH value, stir for a few minutes, and add a small amount of coagulant to quickly flocculate and decolorize. According to actual tests, it can usually remove more than 90% of the chroma and more than 80% of the COD. It can effectively reduce the pressure of subsequent treatment processes and easily meet discharge or reuse standards.
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