In modern industrial production, the surface treatment industry plays a crucial role. However, the wastewater generated during surface treatment processes imposes significant environmental pressure. This wastewater often contains various pollutants, with color issues being particularly prominent. To address this problem, surface treatment wastewater decolorizing agents have emerged as powerful tools for water purification.
Surface treatment wastewater mainly originates from processes such as electroplating, anodizing, and phosphating. This wastewater has the following characteristics:
1. **High Color Intensity**: The wastewater contains a large amount of dyes, pigments, and metal ions, resulting in vivid colors that severely affect the appearance and transparency of the water body.
2. **High Organic Content**: Various chemicals and additives used in surface treatment processes lead to a high organic content in the wastewater. These organic substances not only increase the difficulty of wastewater treatment but may also damage aquatic ecosystems.
3. **Heavy Metal Pollution**: Some surface treatment wastewater contains heavy metal ions such as chromium, nickel, copper, and zinc. These heavy metals are toxic and, if discharged untreated, can cause severe soil and water pollution, posing significant threats to human health and the environment.
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